Uncertainty looms for school leavers
The school leavers of 2020 had a raw deal. Not only could they not attend school for a major part of the year, they also have to wait until late into 2021 to get their exam results. This left many hanging in uncertainty about the options open to them for further study.
Many who were borderline cases for qualifying for the careers of their choice, did not make it. Now new plans need to be made. And, we honestly don’t know what those plans are going to be. We don’t have enough information to set the ball rolling.
Although they too are uncertain about what the future holds, our school leavers are optimistic and are looking forward to studying towards their dreams. Sakhile (19), Rachel (19), Mischka (19) and Frieda (18) are a few of our beneficiaries who can’t wait to experience the “student life”. These are the courses they’ve applied for and would like to undertake in 2021:
- Sakhile: Business Management – His choice of course was inspired by his experience as a sales assistant at local tuck shops in his neighbourhood of Emdeni in Soweto.
- Rachel: Professional make up – She attended a special needs school and excelled in her beauty studies which fuelled her passion for professional make-up.
- Frieda: Holistic Massaging – Also attended a special needs school and did well in her baking and chef pastry classes. But feels her calling is holistic massaging – a talent she would like to fully explore.
- Mischka: Occupational Therapy – She would like to help people overcome their physical, sensory and cognitive problems that hinder their quality of life.
What we do know is that these youngsters are going to need all the help that they can get to counter the cruel reality that Covid-19 has left them with. With the help of people who are prepared to invest in their future, uncertain as it may be, there is a chance that some years into the future they can also look back and say like our Simona: “I made it.”
If you wish to invest in the future of the school leavers of 2020, you can contribute to our General Tertiary fund that is dedicated to this purpose.
Die onsekere toekoms van 2020 skoolverlaters
Die skoolverlaters van 2020 het dit nie maklik nie. Nie alleen kon hulle vir ‘n groot deel van die jaar nie skoolgaan nie, maar hulle eksamenuitslae is ook erg vertraag. Daar is allerweë onsekerheid oor hulle opsies vir verdere opleiding in 2021.
Vele leerders was grensgevalle wat betref kwalifikasie vir die loopbane van hulle keuse en sommige het dit onder omstandighede nie gemaak nie. Nou moet nuwe planne gemaak word. Ons weet eerlik nie wat al die nuwe planne gaan wees nie. Ons, soos ander mense wat met skoolverlaters werk, moet wag tot al die inligting beskikbaar is.
Al is skoolverlaters onseker oor die toekoms, is hulle optimisties en sien hulle daarna uit om die pad na hulle drome aan te pak. Sakhile (19), Rachel (19), Mischka (19) en Frieda (18) is maar enkele jongmense wat nie kan wag om die studentelewe te ervaar nie. Hieronder is die kursusse waarvoor hulle aansoek gedoen het en graag sal wil onderneem in 2021:
- Sakhile: Besigheidsbestuur – Sy keuse is geinspireer deur sy ervaring as ‘n verkoopsassistent by ‘n plaaslike snoepiewinkel in die omgewing waar hy bly, in Emdeni, Soweto.
- Rachel: Professionele grimeerkunstenaar – Sy het ‘n skool vir kinders met spesiale behoeftes bygewoon en uitgeblink in skoonheidstudies. Dit het haar entoesiasme vir grimeerkuns aangewakker.
- Frieda: Holistiese Masseuse – Sy het ook ‘n skool vir kinders met spesiale behoeftes bygewoon en uitgeblink in klasse in gebak. Sy voel egter haar roeping is holistiese massering, ‘n talent wat sy graag ten volle wil ontwikkel.
- Mischka: Arbeidterapie – Sy wil graag mense help om fisiese, sensoriese en kognitiese probleme, wat hulle lewenskwaliteit beinvloed, to oorkom.
Ons weet die jongmense gaan al die hulp wat hulle kan kry nodig hê om die wrede realiteit waarmee Covid-19 hulle gelaat het, te oorkom. Met mense wat bereid is om in hulle toekoms te belê, ongeag hoe onseker dit mag wees, is daar ‘n kans dat hulle ook oor ‘n paar jaar soos Simona sal kan sê: ‘Ek het dit gemaak!’
Indien u wil belê in die lewens van die 2020 skoolverlaters, kan u bydra tot die algemene tersiêre fonds, wat aan die doel toegewy is.