The true meaning of loyalty
One often wonders about the impact a recurring donation makes to an organisation like Abraham Kriel Bambanani. Please allow me the opportunity to try and explain the immeasurable value such a contribution has.
During a recent telephonic enquiry, I had the privilege to speak to one of our very loyal donors. I received a call from the donor’s daughter who handles his financial affairs. I asked her to please convey our heartfelt appreciation to her father. Mr Pietersen was sitting right next to his daughter whilst we had the conversation, she handed him the phone and I had the privilege and honour to speak to Mr Pietersen personally.
Mr Pietersen told me that he is a retired teacher and preacher from Blouleliesbos in Tsitsikama. He now resides in Kuilsrivier. He was very excited to share that he is turning 90 in November this year. He went on to inform me that he has been a loyal supporter of Abraham Kriel Bambanani for many years. I asked him how it came about that he started supporting Abraham Kriel Bambanani, to which he responded that he had listened to a radio program on RSG and decided to support AKB.
Mr Pietersen grew up in very poor circumstances, but always attended church and prayed for a better life. At age 17 he decided to leave his hometown in hope of a better future. He studied and later became a qualified teacher.
His daughter testified of the wonderful father and grandfather he is. She says he reads his bible every day, listens to the news and reads the newspaper.
I told him about our beneficiaries and the difference his loyal contributions have made in the lives of so many children. It was such a heartfelt moment that we shared. In closing, I asked him for a message to our current beneficiaries: “Your Faith and studies are of utmost importance!”
We salute you Mr Pietersen! Thank you for being a loyal friend to Abraham Kriel Bambanani.
Ware loyaliteit
Tydens ‘n onlangse telefoniese navraag, kry ek die geleentheid om een van ons getroue en lojale donateurs te ontmoet. Die donateur se dogter hanteer sy geldsake en het die oproep gemaak, terwyl hy langs haar sit. Ek het gevra dat sy ons opregte dank aan haar Pa sal oordra, maar toe gee sy die telefoon vir hom en ek kry die voorreg en eer om self met mnr Pietersen te gesels.
Mnr Pietersen het na ‘n praatjie oor Abraham Kriel Bambanani op RSG geluister en besluit dat hy hierdie organisasie wil ondersteun. Dit is meer as 20 jaar gelede.
Mnr Pietersen het baie arm grootgeword en op 17-jarige ouderdom sy tuisdorp verlaat om aan ‘n toekoms te werk. Hy kwalifiseer as onderwyser en is ‘n geordende Anglikaanse predikant. Na aftrede verhuis hy van Blouleliebos in Tsitsikama en woon in Kuilsrivier.
Mnr Pietersen sal in November 90 jaar oud wees.
Sy dogter sê hy is steeds die beste Pa en Oupa.
Op my beurt het ek vir hom ‘n kykie in die lewens van ons kinders gegee en die reuse impak wat skenkings op die opvoeding en ontwikkeling van kinders het, verduidelik. Hierdie was vir my ‘n aangrypende gesprek. Ek het gevra dat hy ‘n boodskap vir ons kinders stuur: “Jou Geloof en jou Studies is van die uiterste belang in jou lewe.”
Ons eer en waardeer U, mnr Pietersen. Dankie dat u ‘n lojale vriend van Abraham Kriel Bambanani is.