Please make sure children and families can eat and learn despite the Corona virus
We are in desperate times and children and their extended families are hungry.
The children in our care in Soweto and Westbury are poor and live with their gogos and aunties who are also poor. The family members that could’ve earned a few Rands are now stuck at home and cannot sustain themselves. The 600 children in our programmes received food parcels for 21 days, but it only lasted 10 days as the extended families also shared the same food. Our beneficiary count went up to 1 774!
Will you please make an urgent gift of R136 towards emergency food parcels?
R136 can feed a child and their family members for one week.
Here’s what’s happening:
Bongani is seventeen and in matric. He is the eldest of four children that live with his granny and two uncles and an aunt. His aunt used to sell vegetables from the sidewalk, but this has now been stopped. Bongani is desperately trying to keep up with his schoolwork so that he can still complete his schooling at the end of the year.
Your gift of R136 will be enough to ensure that Bongani, his family and many more children and families will be able to have food during these desperate times.
We did not expect extra mouths to feed and we did not budget for extra food, but we can provide it with your help.
Please make your emergency gift here. Ref: Covid
Kom ons maak seker dat kinders en gesinne eet, ten spyte van die Corona virus
Daar heers ‘n gees van desperaatheid wanneer kinders en hul uitgebreide families honger is.
Die kinders in ons sorgprogramme in Soweto en Westbury is baie arm. Hulle woon by hul oumas en tannies/families wat ook baie arm is. Die familielede wat voorheen ‘n paar Rand verdien het, moet tuisbly en kan hulself nie onderhou nie. Die kinders het ‘n kospakkie, vir 21 dae ontvang. Dit het 10 dae gehou, want die familie moes deel in daardie kospakkie.
Kan u asseblief dringend ‘n bydra van R136 maak vir nood-kospakkies?
R136 kan ‘n kind en familielede vir een week voed.
Daar is 1174 meer monde om te voed, plus ons 600 kinders. In totaal: 1774!
Die situasie is as volg:
Bongani is 17 jaar oud en in Graad 12. Hy is die oudste van vier kinders en almal woon by die ouma, met twee ooms en ‘n tannie. Bongani se tannie het groente op ‘n sypaadjie verkoop, maar dit is gestop. Die seun probeer ook sy bes om tred te hou met sy skoolwerk, sodat hy matriek kan slaag aan die einde van die jaar.
Jou bydra van R136 sal verseker dat Bongani en sy familie vir een week kan eet. Dit sal ook help om 1774 ander kinders en volwassenes te voed.
AKB het nie hierdie voedselnood verwag nie.
Ons het nie begroot vir ekstra kos nie.
Ons het wel kos voorsien, met die vertroue dat jy kan help.
Asseblief? Kliek hier om ‘n bydra te maak. Verwysing: Covid