Opening the door to your future
We wish to gratefully honour Harambe Technologies for turning 3 inexperienced yet, deserving youngsters into PIONEERS experiencing employment! In May 2024, these three young men spent a day with their peers, all tensed up for formal Harambe job interviews. They certainly showed character by supporting each other, despite each one’s personal yearning for a door of opportunity to open.
Over the past three months, the Harambe Technologies management team has been strong role models and encouraged these three employees, to show their school friends that they can believe in themselves again. Abraham Kriel Bambanani (AKB) wishes to applaud the Harambe staff for their dedication and support to these young pioneers. They have grown into responsible employees, armed with life skills and courage to build their futures.
Our relationship with Harambe Technologies, as a loyal donor, has proven to be a rewarding one. One, that will make sure that lives are changed, and a difference is made in the communities where we develop skilled candidates.
One of the 3 first appointees, humbly shared his recipe for being “work ready” with pride… “Training as an Assistant Chef student at the Emdeni Skills Development Centre, has instilled and developed certain qualities within me. I know, now, to always be my truthful self, approach each opportunity with diligence, follow instructions, respect authority and ask for guidance when I need it. I’ve also learned that discipline and wise time- management are crucial elements when working”.
Harambe Technologies complimented the AKB beneficiaries they did employ three months ago, as worthy investments. Thabo has been credited with being the solution by reporting and solving criminal incidents that led to five arrests. While another one, was an inspiring example for the Delta Park community when he eagerly assisted the Harambe Technologies team with cleaning up a scene.
The Emdeni Skills Development Centre students, wish to thank Harambe Technologies: “THANK YOU for opening your doors and still interviewing our beneficiaries to fill vacancies. You are restoring hope for desperate, yet eager youth to enter the economy with pride.”
Oop deure vir jou toekoms!
Ons wil graag erkenning gee aan Harambe Technologies wat vanjaar reeds 3 onervare , jong manne van Emdeni, die eer gegee het om hulself as PIONIERS te bewys, met hul eerste vaste aanstelling in die arbeidsmark. Vroeër vanjaar, het ‘n klompie jong manne as gespanne , maar gretige kandidate met hul CV’s aangemeld vir formele Harambe werksonderhoude. Hul nederige karaktertrekke en wedersydse ondersteuning was opvallend ten spyte van elke individu se persoonlike hunkering na ‘n daardie ideale werksgeleentheid.
Harambe Technologies se bestuur het reggestaan om sterk rolmodelle te wees wat die drie so bemoedig het, dat hul intussen ontwikkel het as voorbeelde wat skoolvriende kon inspireer om in hul eie potensiaal te glo.. Abraham Kriel Bambanani (AKB) sien die toewyding en ondersteuning van Harambe se personeel raak en besef dit is hoe voorlopers aangemoedig en gemotiveer moet word. Die “groentjies “het intussen gegroei tot verantwoordelike werknemers wat ook lewensvaardighede en ambisie ontwikkel het om braaf aan hul eie toekoms te bou.
Ons verhouding met Harambe Technologies as lojale donateur, is ook soveel sterker -hul het verseker ‘n langtermyn impak op die gemeenskappe waar AKB trots Vaardige kandidate ontwikkel.
Een uitblinker deel nederig, maar trots, sy resep met werklose jeug daarbuite..… “My opleiding as Assistant Sjef by die Emdeni Vaardigheidsontwikkelings sentrum, het kosbare kwaliteite geskep. Ek weet nou, hoe om altyd eerlik myself te wees, hoe om elke geleentheid op my pad met deursettingsvermoë aan te pak al beteken dit – volg die instruksies- respekteer outoriteit en vra gretig riglyne wanneer jy twyfel. So het ek selfdissipline en effektiewe tydsbestuur ontdek as essensiële elemente in die werksplek.”
Harambe Technologies beskryf die aanstelling van AKB begunstigdes, as uiters ‘n waardige belegging. Hul gee ook graag krediet dat een nuwe jong werknemer te danke aan sy persoonlike deeglikeid, reeds vyf arrestasies moontlik gemaak het.‘n Ander een het almal beindruk met sy inspirerende opruim-aksie in Delta Park gemeenskap, waarvoor Harambe Technologies die eer gekry het.
Emdeni Vaardigheidsontwikkelings sentrum -studente, bedank Harambe Technologies: “Jul het deure oopgemaak vir die drie baanbrekers, maar voer ook steeds onderhoude, met nuwe werkskandidate van Emdeni. Jul bring nuwe hoop vir ons desperate, dog ywerige SA jeug om die ekonomie met trots te betree”.