One programme assisting another programme
Our accredited Tiling and Painting skills training course at the Emdeni Skills Centre in Soweto has been running for 3 years and is doing well. The course runs for 3 months and in order to complete it, the students need to do their practical training. A few months ago, the tiling and painting students did their practical work at the home of Sipho, one of our beneficiaries who is part of our programme for orphaned and vulnerable children in Soweto.
They tiled the bedroom and bathroom of their home. Sipho’s mom, who is very ill, said: “The students’ work was excellent. More importantly, their work was a blessing. When I pass on one day, I know I will be leaving a home for my children worth more than before.” Going forward, it was decided that the Tiling and Painting practicals will be used to assist beneficiaries on our programmes within the Emdeni and Zola area. What a wonderful way to give back to the community!
Die een hand was die ander
Vir die laaste drie jaar word daar reeds met sukses verf- en teëlkursusse aangebied by die ‘Emdeni Skills Centre’ in Soweto. Die kursusse duur drie maande en ten einde die kursus te voltooi moet die studente praktiese opleiding ondergaan. Enkele maande gelede het die verf- en teël studente hulle praktiese werk gedoen aan huis van Sipho, een van die 400 begunstigdes van ons program vir kwesbare weeskinders in Soweto.
Hulle het die slaapkamer en badkamer van die seun se huis geteël. Sipho se ma is baie siek en haar kommentaar was: “Die studente het uitstekende werk gedoen. Belangriker nog, hulle werk was ‘n ware seëning. Wanneer ek eendag moet gaan, sal ek ‘n huis aan my kinders agterlaat wat meer werd is as tevore.” Die ervaring het daartoe gelei dat daar besluit is om alle praktiese eksamens by die huise van begunstigdes van ons programme in die Emdeni en Zola areas te doen. Wat ‘n heerlike geleentheid om terug te gee aan die gemeenskap!