No two are the same
*Melusi and *Zama are seventeen year old twin brothers. They share the fact that they are orphans, but not much else. While Melusi copes fairly well, Zama is in real need of psychological help. Due to Zama’s peculiar looks he is cruelly teased at school. He underachieves badly and is a suicide risk. Zama needs intensive therapy and a different school if he is to have any chance to achieve his potential as a young man.
*Thula and *Ayanda were bereaved yet again. After losing their parents, they grew up with their paternal grandmother, but recently she too passed away. These two sixteen year old sisters are devastated and completely alone. Ayanda is struggling at school and she needs assessment and educational support. Both of them need emotional and material help.
*Anne has had the privilege to grow up on the Langlaagte campus and she managed to do a Grade 10 qualification at a remedial school. She qualifies for a course at HTA culinary school, but the cost is prohibitive. At R57 000 this course will make the difference between her being able to support herself as an adult or not. We are looking at alternatives and would welcome input from our donors.
Every child and youth in our care is different. For some of them you may have the solution. For many the only thing a person can do is to make sure that these kids can be supported into the LAND OF HOPE AND OPPORTUNITY through making a small and hopefully regular contribution.
Please take out a passport for a child to the LAND OF HOPE AND OPPORTUNITY. You can give them no greater gift this Christmas!
*No real names of children were used in this story.
Geen twee is dieselfde nie
*Melusi en *Zama is 17-jarige tweelingbroers. Daar is net een ooreenkoms tussen die broers, hulle is beide weeskinders. Melusi funksioneer in alle opsigte redelik goed, terwyl Zama dringend sielkundige hulp benodig. Zama se voorkoms ontlok ‘n wrede geterg by sy skool. Hy onderpresteer en sal waarskynlik na ‘n ander skool verskuif moet word. Zama is tans ‘n selfdood risiko en benodig intensiewe terapie.
*Thula en *Ayanda moes weereens die dood van ‘n geliefde verwerk. Na die afsterwe van hulle ouers is hulle deur hulle ouma aan vaderskant grootgemaak. Maar onlangs is sy ook dood. Die twee sestienjarige susters is verpletter en heeltemal alleen in die wêreld. Ayanda kry swaar op skool en het sielkundige assessering en akademiese ondersteuning nodig. Die sussies benodig emosionele en materiële hulp.
*Anne het die voorreg gehad om groot te word op die Langlaagte kampus en sy het daarin geslaag om ‘n Graad 10 kwalifikasie te verwerf by ‘n remediërende skool. Sy kwalifiseer vir ‘n kursus by die HTA kookskool, maar die koste is geweldig hoog. Teen R57 000 sal die kursus haar egter in staat stel om selfonderhoudend te wees as volwassene. Ons soek finansiële steun sal enige bydraes en insette baie waardeer.
Elke kind en jongmens in ons sorg is anders. Vir sommiges is daar duidelike oplossings, vir ander is die oplossings meer gekompliseerd (ingewikkeld)?. Almal van hulle se enigste hoop is die bydraes van donateurs, maandeliks of jaarliks, wat hulle sal ondersteun tot in die LAND VAN HOOP EN GELEENTHEDE.
Neem asseblief ‘n paspoort uit vir ‘n kind na die LAND VAN HOOP EN GELEENTHEDE.
U kan vir hulle geen groter geskenk gee hierdie Kersfees nie.