A year in review
A year in review The first thing that came to my mind when asked to take the past financial year in review, is the fact that Abraham ...
Remember baby Lunathi?
Remember baby Lunathi? The underweight, malnourished baby boy who was brought into the Maria Kloppers Campus due to neglect by his parents. His tiny hands and feet ...
Smiling through the trauma
Smiling through the trauma Abuse and neglect have far-reaching effects on a child. The trauma often leaves them scarred for life. But, to live through the abuse ...
Emdeni Skills Development Centre Graduation
Emdeni Skills Development Centre Graduation We will never completely know and understand the hardship of our students, but at the Emdeni Skills Development Centre graduation, we only ...
Skills training redirected my life path
Skills training redirected my life path Bongani was a young college dropout and figured that education beyond matric was not for him. That was until he came ...
Thank you for the opportunity to reach my dreams
Thank you for the opportunity to reach my dreams Westbury is a complicated suburb in the west of Johannesburg, that can be described as the epicenter ...