Help Educate a 6 year old

Vernon and Desireé (pseudonyms) live in Yeoville; are Grade R pupils at Johanna Malan Early Childhood Development Centre (JMECDC) and their future, along with that of 19 other pre-schoolers, hangs in the balance at the school. The 21 pre-schoolers are in arrears with their school fees. Many of these children are from homes where one or both parents are unemployed and at times they have to prioritise household costs- “Do we buy a loaf of bread or pay the school fees?”

The school stand to lose a total of R 108 154.00 this year due to unpaid school fees. Every parent is obliged to contribute towards their child’s school fees. Their contribution can range from R50 – R1 000 per month, which would cover the entire cost. Some cannot even afford the subsidised fees. To alleviate the pressure, the school has R 25 000 in fee sponsorship for six children, provided by Abraham Kriel Bambanani.

Desireé is one of the six who receive sponsorship. Desireé is coping well and is exceeding expectations in terms of her grades. Her mother is a street vendor and she and her younger sister Beauty (pseudonym) would have had to spend their days on the street corner with their mother if they could not attend school. Unfortunately, Beauty, also a pre-schooler, did not receive sponsorship, but she has been allowed to attend school and we’re hoping someone can help by sponsoring her fees.

Vernon has been at JMECDC since 2017. Vernon’s parents have always been able to pay school fees in the past. His father owns a construction and building company and his mother is unemployed. But his dad became very ill last year. He was diagnosed with kidney failure and the family faces rising medical expenses, dialysis and a need for a kidney transplant. Vernon’s dad was unable to work and his business suffered. “The family has defaulted on school fees and because we know the family and their circumstances, we allowed Vernon to continue in school”, Betsie Momsen – school principal.

A good educational foundation is vital for a young child’s growth and development. The Johanna Malan Early Childhood Development Centre provides such a foundation with formal pre-school education for 100+ children aged between 2-7 years, annually.

Vernon, Beauty and their school mates need YOU to help them complete their Grade R year. You can sponsor a pre-schooler for R1000 pm (R10 000 per child / per year) or financially contribute any amount of your choosing towards the running of the school such as maintenance, educational toys & equipment, stationery, food, outings, etc.

Should you be able to help, please contact:  or

Help ‘n sesjarige met opvoeding

Vernon en Desireé (skuilname) woon in Yeoville; is Graad R leerders by Johanna Malan Vroeë- Kinderontwikkelingsentrum (JMECDC) en hulle toekoms, saam met die van 19 ander voorskoolse kinders is op die spel. Die 21 kinders se skoolfonds is kwaai agterstallig. Baie van die kinders kom uit huise waar een of beide ouers werkloos is en waar moeilike keuses gemaak moet word soos, “ Koop ons brood of betaal ons skoolfonds?”

Aanduidings dat die skool ‘n verlies van R108 154 gaan maak vanweë uitstaande skoolgeld is duidelik. Alle ouers is verplig om by te dra tot ‘n kind se skoolfooie. Die bydraes kan wissel van R50 per maand tot R1 000 wat die volledige skoolfonds dek. Families kan dikwels nie eers die gesubsidieerde bydraes bekostig nie. Die skool het ‘n fonds van R25 000 om die druk te verlig en die bedrag is verdeel onder ses kinders wat die grootste nood ervaar. Die geld is voorsien deur Abraham Kriel Bambanani self.

Desireé is een van die ses wat die borgskap kry. Haar ma is ‘n straatverkoper en sy  en haar jonger sussie Beauty (skuilnaam) sou hulle tyd op die straathoek moes deurbring saam met hulle ma, indien hulle nie kon skooltoe gaan nie. Desireé vorder goed op skool en oortref verwagtinge. Ongelukkig was daar nie genoeg geld om ‘n soortgelyke borgskap vir haar sussie Beauty te voorsien nie. Die lang dae op ‘n straathoek was egter iets waartoe die skool nie vir Beauty wou doem nie.

Vernon is sedert 2017 by JMECDC. Sy ouers kon altyd in die verlede die skoolfooie betaal. Sy pa besit ‘n konstruksie maatskappy en sy ma werk nie. Maar sy pa het laas jaar baie siek geword en is gediagnoseer met lewerversaking. Stygende mediese koste, dialise en die behoefte aan ‘n nieroorplanting het gemaak dat Vernon se pa nie kon werk nie en die besigheid het daaronder gely. “Die gesin kon nie meer skoolfooie betaal nie, maar omdat ons die familie en hulle omstandighede ken, het ons Vernon toegelaat om aan te bly in die skool,” vertel Betsie Momsen – skoolhoof.

‘n Goeie opvoedkundige grondslag is noodsaaklik vir ‘n kind se groei en ontwikkeling. Johanna Malan ECDC voorsien so ‘n grondslag deur formele voorskoolse programme vir tot 100 voorskoolse kinders tussen 2 en 7 jaar elke jaar.

Vernon, Beauty en hulle skoolmaters benodig om hulle te help om hulle graad R jaar te voltooi.  U kan ‘n voorskoolse kind borg @ R1 000 pm per kind (R10 000 per kind per jaar) of u kan enige finansiele bydrae maak om die bedryfskoste van die skool te help dra. Dit sluit in instandhouding, opvoedkundige speelgoed en toerusting, skryfbehoeftes, kos, uitstappies en meer.

Indien u graag sou wou help, kontak asseblief die bemarkingsafdeling van Abraham Kriel Bambanani by:  of

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